A year of abundant health starts with setting smart goals and taking proactive daily steps to support your body being its best. Movement and exercise are both essential foundations to living your best life. Movement and exercise help you feel better physically, but emerging research shows they may also help your brain stay sharp and focused. Before you can begin a daily exercise routine, you'll need your spine and joints to move well. If you have fixations or limitations with how … [Read more...] about Design a Year of Abundant Health
Posture: Balancing Strength and Flexibility
Both strength and flexibility play a significant role in how your posture develops. For instance, a strong and flexible core helps the body dynamically adapt to every environment. The spine is supported and moves well, reducing the possibility of injury or pain. While it’s true that "perfect" postures may not exist, improving our strength, flexibility, and ergonomics goes a long way toward improvement. Your body is dynamic and designed to move, but over time, it may feel less dynamic … [Read more...] about Posture: Balancing Strength and Flexibility
Why are Opioids so Dangerous?
Opioids are meant to be a post-surgical method of pain relief. Unfortunately, in trying to relieve pain with drugs immediately, regardless of potential consequences, opioid prescriptions are doled out far too readily. It's estimated that over 200 million opioid prescriptions are written each year. This use and abuse has led to an epidemic that's been fueled by chronic pain. Opioids temporarily hide pain by attaching to receptors in the brain and boosting feelings of pleasure. Unfortunately, … [Read more...] about Why are Opioids so Dangerous?
Tennis Elbow? But I Don’t Even Play Tennis!
Tennis elbow isn't just for athletes. Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in your elbow are inflamed and overloaded due to repetitive motion. Because of the motion that occurs when swinging a racket, it's commonly referred to as tennis elbow, but anyone who has a job that features repetitive arm motions may be at risk. Tennis elbow can become a serious issue because of the pain and weakness that make it difficult to perform your … [Read more...] about Tennis Elbow? But I Don’t Even Play Tennis!
Are You At Risk for Chronic Knee Pain?
Knees hurt? You're not alone. Chronic knee pain is thought to affect up to 25% of adults and can significantly limit your mobility and quality of life. Your knee is a hinge joint that primarily moves back and forth (flexion and extension) and allows some twisting or rotation. Every step you take places stress and strain on your knees, so it's no surprise that trauma, misalignment, and degenerative changes can all take their toll. While knee pain may not be entirely preventable, there are … [Read more...] about Are You At Risk for Chronic Knee Pain?
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