If you are suffering from numbness, tingling, weakness gripping, or pain of your hand, you may have what is known as carpal tunnel syndrome. Severity of carpal tunnel syndrome can range from being a mild annoyance during certain daily activities to being a debilitating condition not allowing one to grip even light objects.
This condition is caused by entrapment of the median nerve, which helps you grip objects, move your hand, and is also involved in sensory function. Dr. Jaffer Barlas at Barlas Chiropractic near South Lake Union uses Active Release Technique® (ART®) soft tissue therapy to release muscles and other soft tissues of the arm that restrict or compress the median nerve.
With ART®, you will see significant improvement of your symptoms within just a few treatments.
Classically, it had been said that the median nerve gets compressed under the transverse carpal ligament of the wrist and the best way to fix the problem is to surgically incise the ligament. However, the nerve can actually be entrapped at any of several locations in your arm, including the pronator teres muscle of the upper forearm. ART® has widely become known as the gold standard in soft tissue medical management, largely due to the success of ART® Certified Practitioners dealing with this medical problem.
Kevin, a 28-year-old software engineer, presented with numbness and tingling of both of his hands that he had experienced most nights for the past 15 years, plus wrist pain on his right side that he experienced throughout the day most days. He wanted to sleep comfortably without these symptoms and to both work at a computer and exercise in the gym without wrist pain.
After four treatments focusing on releasing entrapment of his median nerves in both arms and creating proper movement of his associated thoracic and cervical spine, Kevin no longer experienced numbness and tingling in either hand. After two more treatments, his wrist was pain-free and he could perform his job and work out without being slowed by his symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
These entrapments can often be corrected with a short course of treatment.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is not the only condition that can cause numbness and tingling of the hands, so a thorough examination will be done by the chiropractor to determine whether that is the origin of the pain.
(206) 954-7479